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The greatest adventures of a Scout’s life begin at a camp. Whether your child is a young Scout participating in day camp or resident camp, or an older boy/girl experiencing the great outdoors, the Scouting summer and winter programs bring Scouts face to face with nature and all of its wonder. Have your Scout join us for one of our summer programs as he/she works to complete merit badges and discover the world to it's greatest extent.

What is a Short-Term Camp?

Effective January 1, 2021

A short-term camp is any council-organized overnight camping program, whether one-time or continuing, that is one, two or three nights in length where the council or its agents provide the staffing and may provide program and food services, and includes camps conducted off council properties. National training courses are subject to the short-term camp requirements, regardless of format or duration.

Why Short-Term Camp?


  • Ensure the quality and safety of all district and council organized overnight activities.

  • Previously no BSA standards (other than the Guide to Safe Scouting) have applied to district and council events not considered a “resident or family camp”

  • Only some weekend events were required to follow NCAP quality and safety standards.

  • Many liability and accident-sickness claims have been the result of district and council events.

    • A few recent examples include:

      • Adult leader collapses from chronic medical issues

      • Golf Cart and Utility Transport Vehicle Accidents

      • Unsupervised by adults and non-age appropriate activities for youth

      • Jousting, spear throwing and pumpkin chunking (prohibited activities)

      • Shooting Sports related issues

      • Homemade zip lines


Short-term camp definition

A short-term camp is any council-organized overnight camping program, whether one-time or continuing, that is one, two, or three nights in length where the council or its agents provide the staffing and program and may provide food services, and includes camps conducted off council properties.


Short-term vs long-term camp


Long-Term Camp is for any council organized overnight program that is 4 or more night.


What type of camps fall under this short-term camp classification?


  • Put simply, all council and district coordinated overnight events that are three nights or less.

  • To include district camporees, council camporees, Cub Scout/Webelos Family Camps, Order of the Arrow events, training events like NYLT, Woodbadge and more.


Council implementation of short-term camp administrator

  1. One Short-Term Camp Administrator for each Short-Term Camp (serves as the event coordinator)

  2. One Short-Term Camp Administrator for each district

  3. One Short-Term Camp Administrator for each area of council as shown above


Short-Term Camp Administrator job Description

  1. Compliance with NCAP Short Term Camp Standards

  2. Certify the property is appropriate for the camp

  3. File proper paperwork

  4. Confirm Safety

  5. Confirm sanitation is appropriate

  6. Confirm Activities comply with BSA Standards



  1. Currently registered in the BSA

  2. Current Short-Term Camp Administrator Certification (Training Course to be conducted on Saturday, March 6, 2021 from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM) at Jet Potter Scout Service Center, Course will cost each participant $60.00



Role of the short-term camp administrator

  1. Verify BSA standards are being met with respect to:

    • BSA Brand Compliance

    • BSA Program Design

  2. Oversees the camp with respect to:

    • Purpose

    • Staff Training

    • Safety of the Camp

  3. Verify and Interpret the NCAP standard applicability

See you at Camp!!!

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