Sporting Clays Fun Shoot
Clay Shoot Online Auction:
Sunday, August 10
Thursday, August 14, 2025
Sporting Clays Fun Shoot:
Saturday, August 16, 2025
Nashville Gun Club
1100 County Hospital Rd, Nashville, TN 37218

Fun Event with NO COST for all Scouts (Age 14-20)
The Middle Tennessee Council will secure sponsorship for a limited number of youth teams based on a "first come first served basis" as sponsored commitments are secured.
All participants must be competent shooters (not a beginner) and must provide their own gun capable of shooting two shots on one loading. Also you will need to provide eye and ear protection AND an adult must accompany each team on the course. All teams will be responsible for securing a full team consisting of five person under the of 20. It is a requirement of participating from the Nashville Gun Club that a "WAIVER OF LIABILITY AND HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT be filled out and signed for each shooter. We will notify you if your troop, crew, post or ship has been chosen.

Eagle Sponsor ($3,500): Two 4 person teams in the 74 target main event, logo on all pages on the auction website, station sponsorship signage with company logo, (2) 4 person passenger cart provided.
Life Sponsor ($2,500): One 4 person team in the 74 target main event, logo on all pages of the auction website, station sponsorship signage with company logo, 4 person passenger cart provided
Star Sponsor ($1,750): One 4 person team in the 74 target main event, logo on the auction website homepage, 4 person passenger cart provided.
Youth Team Sponsor ($1,500): Sponsor provides one 5 person competitive shooting experience for a team of young people, logo on the auction website homepage.
Station Sponsor ($500): Signage with company logo, listing in the event day program.
For more information contact -
Bradford Holladay at or 615.939.8222
Sherry Rakes at