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Internet Advancement

Submit Advancement Forms Online

The Middle Tennessee Council offers the opportunity for your unit to submit advancement records for your Scouts online. You can use Internet Advancement to add ranks, merit badges, and awards for your members, or to update information on existing advancements (except the Eagle Scout rank).

To Use Internet Advancement:

  1. Select your Unit Advancement Processor. 

  2. Obtain your unit ID code by calling MTCBSA registration department at 615-383-9724.

  3. Gather your advancement information, including merit badge applications and advancement records with dates.

  4. Click HERE and follow the instructions to enter advancements and print a report.

  5. Have the appropriate people sign the printed report and submit it to the council office. Save a copy for your records as well.

  6. If this the 1st time you have used Internet Advancement since your recharter, you will need to click "Start Over" button on the check roster page (Step 2). This will update to your current roster.

Internet Advancement Training:

Further information is also available to anyone interested here.

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