United Methodist Church Charter Information
Resources for United Methodist Church Chartered Units
The Middle Tennessee Council is focused on finding a solution for your Scouting unit that works best for all parties. These solutions are the culmination of a lot of discussions at all levels of the United Methodist Church and the Boy Scouts of America. All Scouting is local – our Scouts benefit from the relationship with the church and the volunteers that operate the unit’s program.
In focusing on unit(s), we at Middle Tennessee Council want to emphasize that unit leadership should remain focused on providing, and planning, a quality program for your Scouts as we work together to find the best option for each unit.
The current charter partner agreement between UMC and BSA has been extended for 120 days beginning on July 1st – meaning we must bring resolution with one of the methods outlined below by the end of October.
Middle Tennessee Council Letter
Endorsement Letter from BSA/UMC
A Solution for Your United Methodist Scouting Units
** indicates documents that must be turned in to the council
Unit Options:
Stay as Current Toolkit - The UMC continues as a chartered organization.
Annual Charter Agreement **
Fiscal Policies
General Liability Coverage Information
UMC Affiliation Toolkit - The church agrees to serve as a physical meeting place for the unit, complete the Affiliation Agreement approved by UMC and BSA, and Middle Tennessee Council becomes the chartering organization for the unit
Affiliation Agreement **
Annual Unit Finance Report **
Fiscal Policies
Sample Letter to Close Bank Account
Sample Letter to Open Bank Account
General Liability Coverage Information
New Chartered Organization (traditional) Toolkit - The church releases the assets, branding, etc. of the Scouting program and new charter partner and meeting location are found
Release/Assumption **
Facilities Use Agreement (if needed)
Fiscal Policies
Sample Letter to Close Bank Account
Sample Letter to Open Bank Account
General Liability Coverage Information
New Chartered Organization (C10) Toolkit - The church releases the assets, branding, etc. of the Scouting program and C10 becomes new charter partner and new meeting location is found.
Release/Assumption **
Annual Unit Finance Report **
Fiscal Policies
Sample Letter to Close Bank Account
Sample Letter to Open Bank Account
Facilities Use Agreement (if needed) **
General Liability Coverage Information